
Easy Ways to Update Your Outdoor Spaces

Easy Ways to Update Your Outdoor Spaces

Now that the weather is finally turning, it's time to think outside the box for all of your spaces, including that neglected outdoor patio.  With summer just around the corner,  let's look to updating our outdoor spaces before the Memorial Day Party of 4th of July cookout.  

A complete set of outdoor furniture grounded with a beautiful outdoor rug will provide you and your guests an outdoor living space to enjoy the wonderful summer weather we've been waiting on.  Outdoor fabrics stand up to the elements while keeping outdoor furniture plush and comfortable. Outdoor coffee tables give room for freshly squeezed lemonade and sun-brewed iced tea pitchers.  We can't forget about outdoor living.  A large dining table and cushioned chairs can provide the perfect setting for those summer gatherings that we all have on our minds.  Put up an umbrella to give shade from the sun during the day and to hang lighting form in the evenings as the sun goes down.  

Your outdoor spaces are just one more area that Amy Youngblood Interiors can assist you with your renovations this year!