
Color Trends

October 24, 2011  |  decor, interior design, style, trends

Wow!   I just received my latest issue of Elle Decor (in which my company is listed in the Designer Registry) and its all about color.    These are some trends I'm seeing and doing right now in color: PURPLE.  Purple is very "in"  right now.  

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Art vs Design

September 12, 2011  |  Philosophy

Creating a great space is like painting a great art composition.  One can approach it more uniformly, clear, and concise.   

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Mixing it Up....

September 12, 2011  |  interior design, Style, trends

When designing a space, I ask myself "What is fresh and interesting?"

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What is my Style?

September 12, 2011  |  Style, trends

People often ask me "What is your style?"  While I certainly have my own personal tastes.....I usually don't like to answer that question.  

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